Table of Contents -
Hack 1. The One-At-A-Time Rule
Hack 2. Breaking The Monotony
Hack 3. Keep Distractions At-Bay
Hack 4. Messy Workspace = Unproductivity
Hack 5. Delegating Tasks Method
Hack 6. To-Do Lists for the Win
Hack 7. Dreaded Task Out of the Way
Final Words
We all know that feeling when we have too much on our plate and don’t know where to begin or how to get everything done. It’s not only frustrating but also unproductive
In today’s fast-paced tech-driven world, employees need to be as productive as possible in order to keep up with the demands of their job. Research indicates that only 40% of employees feel productive at work. How can you get your team working smarter and faster? With so many tasks to complete and so little time in which to do them, it’s no wonder that employee productivity continues to be an issue for many businesses.
With that being said, everyone has a different way of working. What may be a productive day for one employee could be completely unproductive for another. This is especially apparent when employees have such different roles with differing responsibilities.
Workplace productivity can fluctuate on any given day, but if you’re hitting a wall, it might not be because you’re unable to work efficiently. It could have more to do with the way you work and your environment than anything else.
Fortunately, there are some great hacks you can use on a daily basis to increase your productivity and even help your employees to become more efficient and effective at what they do. In this blog post, we’ll share 7 hacks for boosting workplace productivity in your organization, so your people can do more and achieve more in less time.

Try These Awesome Workplace Productivity Hacks!
1. The One-At-A-Time Rule
This is one of the most common and effective ways to become more productive. If you have multiple projects on your plate, or too many tasks on your to-do list, you are bound to feel overwhelmed. This is the biggest productivity killer.
While juggling projects or tasks may ultimately allow you to complete your work, concentrating on one at a time might make you more efficient. When we focus on multiple things at once, we frequently spend more time simply switching between them. As a result, some of the tasks may not get finished or may not get done as well as they might have if each task had been the sole focus.
You can increase your productivity by focusing on one project at a time until it is finished because when you do this, you set one goal at a time rather than several. This will probably encourage you to finish one task before moving on to the next one.
Consider prioritizing your tasks in order of importance if you are committed to multitasking but find that you start more tasks than you can complete. This will allow you to start the day with the most challenging assignments and end it with simpler and less time-consuming ones.
2. Breaking The Monotony
We may believe that working longer hours will result in us accomplishing more, but we never perform as well when we are exhausted. According to studies, taking breaks frequently improves mood and concentration. Walk around the office for five minutes or spend fifteen minutes getting that mid-afternoon coffee.
Techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique may also be useful. The Pomodoro Technique recommends working in 25-minute intervals, with 5-minute breaks in between. You put in a certain amount of time working hard, then you purposefully stop working for a shorter period of time.
You might also consider scheduling several quick breaks throughout your workday. Employees can take at least a five to ten minutes break after every few hours of active work because most workplaces have a set schedule with set break times. These brief breaks can help you refuel, unwind, and prepare for the next task.
From what I see, nobody can concentrate for eight hours nonstop, not even highly productive people. It's just not feasible. No matter how many effective habits you develop, it is impossible to focus without interruption for that long. Because of this, taking breaks is crucial (and research shows it makes people more productive). Even short breaks of a few minutes can help you reenergize and generate fresh ideas.
3. Keep Distractions At-Bay
When attempting to be productive, it's simple to become sidetracked by emails, social media, and a million little tasks.
Distractions are the enemy of productivity, whether you're trying to concentrate on a crucial task or are simply managing smaller ones. With distractions all around, it can be difficult to maintain productive work habits.
Limit your potential distractions—a piece of advice that many people are aware of but rarely implement. Of course, it's impossible to completely eliminate distractions. Try placing focus blocks on your calendar as an alternative. Focus on the task at hand during this time by turning off email alerts, turning off your phone, and closing your office door (if you have one). You'll be astonished by what you manage to accomplish.
Another tip is making a "distraction list" which is a highly effective way to cut down on distractions. While you're working, keep this list close at hand, whether it's a Google Doc or a real piece of paper. When an unwanted thought enters your mind, jot it down on the list and resume your task. Write down any thoughts that come to you as you're working. You can return to them after taking a break from your work to either complete them or add them to your larger to-do list. This is something that I do quite often so I vouch for it.
4. Messy Workspace = Unproductivity
At the beginning of each day, spend a few minutes organizing and decluttering your workspace before getting started. You can think more clearly and produce better results in an uncluttered setting.
You can greatly improve your productivity and decrease the amount of time you spend looking for things by organizing and cleaning up your workspace.
Additionally, adding a few personal items to your desk or cubicle can make you feel more at ease, which will increase your productivity. Add meaningful career milestones such as certificates, honors, and other adornments, to make you feel valued and inspired. You can also add sticky notes, plants, planners, etc.
A messy desk may cause distractions. Keep only what you require for the current task, then tidy up the rest. Close all those tabs in your web browser while you're at it. Clarity of thought can greatly benefit from clutter removal.
5. Delegating Tasks Method
It's typical for managers to have a long list of tasks to complete. Seek out chances to assign some tasks to people who can get them done quicker and better. Give team members clear instructions and break projects into manageable pieces. They can assist you in finishing everything. Knowing when you're doing too much is a sign of strong management abilities.
Set aside the low-priority tasks if you can and devise a plan to assign or outsource them so you can focus more of your time on the tasks that will benefit your position and the company.
To distribute tasks among your team members, take into account using this amazing delegation technique. So, the next time if you have a long list of tasks to complete, think about delegating some of them to others if they can be finished without your involvement.
While the rest of the team is focusing on the tasks that would otherwise divert time or resources from other, more crucial projects, you can work on other assignments that may have been specifically assigned to you alone by delegating tasks.
6. To-Do Lists For The Win
Staying productive requires creating a to-do list. Different approaches are effective for various people: Some people use smartphone apps, while others favor journaling by hand. Whatever method you use to create and manage your to-do list, make sure it is brief, practical, and adaptable.
Don't overwhelm yourself with a long list; doing so can exacerbate feelings of fatigue and anxiety. Instead, only include the tasks that can be completed that day. So, set aside five minutes or less each morning to write a to-do list. Keep it concise and focused to avoid spending more time checking off tasks than finishing them.
It's important to consider what priorities you have for the next month and then break those priorities down into manageable tasks that can be completed in a single day. For instance, you can start the hiring process today if you need to add a new employee to your team by the end of the month.
Finding a new hire is a big goal, but by breaking it down into manageable daily tasks like reviewing a few resumes or conducting an interview, you can feel like you're making progress. That sense of accomplishment can prevent those moments that are overwhelming.
7. Dreaded Task Out of the Way
The task you need to complete first thing in the morning is probably the one you dread the most. While researching for this blog, I found out that this technique is called "eating the frog"! If your job is to eat the frog, eat it first thing in the morning.
Once you get going, you'll quickly find your rhythm and finish that task.
Everyone has at least one task on their list that they keep putting off because they don't want to do it. Actually, you ought to finish that task first. Get it off your plate as soon as you can rather than waiting until the last minute. You'll stop worrying about that one task the entire day and your other tasks will appear less challenging in comparison, which will increase your overall productivity.
You'll feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment once you finish this task before anything else. It will get the day started off right and inspire you to eagerly complete the rest of your tasks.
(Also Read: Quiet Quitting Is On The Rise. Here’s What It Means)
Final Words
Work can be monotonous sometimes. You can be overwhelmed by too many projects and too many tasks on your to-do lists. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that! But in today’s world, workers need to be as productive as possible. With so many distractions around us at all times, it can be difficult to focus when we need to. Fortunately, there are some pretty simple tricks that can help you get more done in the office. These productivity hacks will optimize your workflow and help you get through your tasks faster.
Many business professionals have asked us how we manage to get so much done in a day. The answer is that we find ways to optimize our workflow wherever possible. These are just some of the hacks that have commonly proved effective for workers. You can also tweak these hacks according to your suitability and add some more as well!
If you have some productivity hacks other than these, feel free to share them in the comment box below! Subscribe to our email list to get more such hacks, inspirations, industry insights, news, and more in your inbox.